The most popular names for girls
The 20 most popular girls' names in 2009 according to Statistics Denmark. Note that the names often have more than one spelling. Here only the most widespread ones are cited.
- Ida
- Emma
- Lærke
- Caroline
- Anna
- Isabella
- Sofie
- Mathilde
- Sara
- Laura
- Maja
- Clara
- Sofia
- Julie
- Victoria
- Frida
- Josefine
- Mille
- Emilie
Works of reference
Michael Lerche Nielsen: Hvad skal barnet hedde? København 2003.
Eva Villarsen Meldgaard: Den store navnebog. København 1998.
Eva Villarsen Meldgaard: Navnebogen. København 2007.
Wilfried Seibicke: Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch. Berlin 1996-2003.